
While “changing a lock” is quite self-explanatory, simply referring to changing an old lock with a new one, rekeying requires a bit of explanation to be understood. Rekeying a lock means to change the working key of the lock to a different key, without replacing the lock itself. In simpler words – you keep the same lock but the old key will no longer operate it.

This is done by taking the lock apart and replacing some of the parts inside (called “tumblers” or “key pins”). Every series of key pins in your lock correspond to a specific key Key pinsso when you replace those pins with different ones, you essentially set a new key that will now operate the lock. However complicated this may sound, it’s actually an easy procedure that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes given the right tools.

In order to rekey a lock, the locksmith has to have its current matching key. Without the matching key, the only way to rekey the lock will be to pick it open, and although it’s usually not a problem for a skilled locksmith, it will often incur additional charges which can make it more expensive than replacing the lock altogether.

What is a RE-KEY? Rekey is to change the internal code of the cylinder where the internal pins are changed and a key is given to the lock without having to change the entire lock. Then the old key will not work and you will be sure that no one else has the current key. Expert locksmith rekeys in high security locks or regular lock.

If you just moved into your new house or apartment, office or any new place, the rekey is the cheapest and fastest way to have a new key. Not only the security of your home is important, but also if you have many employees and sometimes the dismissal of some of them is a good reason to rekey your lock. If you need more information, call us!



Locks are usually re keyed to build master-key systems, make a set of locks share a common key, or to eliminate compromised keys. Sometimes worn pins are replaced with new pins if the old pins become too short to reach the shear-line. If a pin sits flush with the circumference of the plug it will allow lock rotation. Lock cylinders use different length pins in different combinations to create relatively unique key bitting. Most keys have 5 cuts from bow to tip. If a key has 5 cuts, the lock has 5 pins. Different brand locks each vary in many small ways, this is most true when servicing them.


 What is a master key system lock?

  • Master key systems increase control and convenience
  • A master key system is a key plan whereby selected keys can open a number of pre-defined doors. ... These keys work with different types of lock, e.g. door locks, cabinet locks, padlocks, etc., as long as the cylinder inside them is of the same model.
  • A master key system is a key plan whereby selected keys can open a number of pre-defined doors. ... These keys work with different types of lock, e.g. door locks, cabinet locks, padlocks, etc., as long as the cylinder inside them is of the same model.
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